
A Solo Show in Luxembourg

A mixture of old and new works from the Secondary Occupants project are on display at Galerie 14 in Luxembourg City


Images from In Ruins at BT&C Gallery

The show ran at BT&C Gallery in Buffalo from June 5th to July 26th, 2014. I'll be adding a gallery of the images to the site shortly. 


In Ruins - A Solo Show at BT&C Gallery

I'm happy to announce that I will have the first solo show at the newly formed BT&C Gallery in Buffalo. The show will feature new work from the Secondary Occupants Project and is titled In Ruins. Below are four of the new pieces that will be in the exhibit. All measure 16x20 inches.



More info on my Berlin collaboration with the Philosophical Farmers coming soon

I have been slow to add the information and images from my most recent show to the website. This is partly because it was the most strange and complicated thing in which I've ever been involved. Nevertheless, the books from the exhibit are now here. The project will have its own page soon. If you read German you can read about it on the Philosophical Farmer's site. More soon.

OBSERVER of the Impending Change
222 Consultative Conference of the Philosophical farmers / Spor Klübü – Freienwalder Straße 31, Berlin




A Secondary Occupants Mural

I was recently commissioned by Buffalo restaurateur Mark Goldman to do a wall piece on the side of Allen Street Hardware, one of Buffalo's better night spots. I adapted the design from the cover of Secondary Occupants, one of my faux books from the Secondary Occupants Collected & Observed project. The mural is part of a street art initiative started by Goldman in the Allentown distreict of Buffalo. A number of other artists have work on adjacent buildings, more about it here.