Daily Book Graphics
A Curatorial Blog Project
Since February 21st 2009 I have been posting some sort of book cover or book graphic to my Montague Projects Blog almost everyday. At the time of this writing there are almost 1,600 images associated with the project.
While I started off with the idea of liberating images of all sorts from the books on my shelves, over time I came to focus almost exclusively on covers. My further focus is on covers that reflect a modernist design sensibility, mostly from between 1950 and 1980.
I don't have any plans to stop the project, doing this for the last couple years has been an education in graphic design. It directly led to the faux book aspect of the Secondary Occupants project. I also enjoy the process of hunting for the books (book sales, thrift stores, never online), discovering obscure designers, and collecting the covers of some of the better known ones, particularly Rudolph de Harak.
Follow the Montague Projects Blog or Check out the project on Flickr.